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  • Tobiassorensen
    • July 2017
    • 62


    Tänkte kolla intresset av att importera lite fisk ifrån jeff rapps i usa. Har mailat honom för information ang frakt och annat och väntar på svar i skrivande stund. Är de någon här som kan vara intresserad av en import av fisk ifrån jeff?

    kolla hans lista på
  • Erik Österlund
    • January 2005
    • 3788

    Fanns mycket fint men har tyvärr redan fyllt upp mina burkar..


    • Tobiassorensen
      • July 2017
      • 62

      Du får strukturera om helt enkelt du skulle väl ha påffar i ditt stora kar? Där får du ner fler stora centralare


      • Erik Österlund
        • January 2005
        • 3788

        Haha mja tror att det kommer räcka med påffarna i den burken faktiskt.


        • Nisse Blixt
          • August 2016
          • 16

          Fått nåt svar från Jeff än?


          • Tobiassorensen
            • July 2017
            • 62

            Yes bara jag som missat att uppdatera här i tråden. Detta är svaret jag fått av jeff. Han har en minimisumma på 250usd för internationell order.

            Thank you for your email Tobias.
            I was awaiting information from SAS for shipping to ARN. They offer a non-stop flight from EWR (Newark, New Jersey).
            Please see details below.

            Using a standard 45 x 45 x 25 cm box to ship with, this box weighs 10-11 kilos packed and would cost 150 US$ to ship based on SAS international cargo rates.
            Additional air carrier surcharges per shipment include screening, , fuel surcharge, booking fees, etc = $50 total per air bill

            Additional charges/fees per export include
            $25 airport delivery of shipment

            $85 EU required Health Certification via USDA approved veterinarian inspection of fish and priority post of these documents to and from USDA main office for their clearance and official stamp/seal on documents.

            $50 Export broker forwarding Fee (I am not a registered known shipper with SAS, so I must use export broker services)
            $186 US Fish and Wildlife Service/Office of Law Enforcement export clearance

            So basically the total additional costs per export total = $396 plus $150 per box for international air cargo

            If you order multiple boxes of fish, then of course the total cost remains the same and can be divided between these boxes.

            Please let me know if you have any questions on shipping or stock.
            Thanks again for the opportunity to hopefully provide you fish in Sweden.

