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Pseudotropheus livingstonii

Foto: Michael Persson
Släkte: Pseudotropheus
Art: livingstonii
Grupp: Mbuna
Beskrivning: Boulenger
År: 1899
Tidigare vetenskapligt namn: Metriaclima livingstonii, Maylandia livingstonii, Tilapia livingstonii.
Geografiskt område: Malawisjön
Typlokal: Zambesi (troligen Shire River), Malawisjön, Malawi.
Utbredning: Malawisjön
NCS Artbeskrivning: David Rejdemyhr, 2018-02-04

100 cm & 150 l
14 cm


Boulenger, George Albert. 1899. "A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae. Part II". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. pp 98-143 (1-47)

Fryer, Geoffrey. 1959. "The trophic interrelationships and ecology of some littoral communities of Lake Nyasa with special reference to the fishes, and a discussion of the evolution of a group of rock-frequenting Cichlidae". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 132: pp 153-282

Konings, Ad. 2007. "Malawi cichlids in their natural habitat (4th edition)". Cichlid Press. 424 pp

Meyer, Manfred & W. Foerster. 1984. "Un nouveau Pseudotropheus du lac Malawi avec des remarques sur le complexe Pseudotropheus-Melanochromis (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae)". Revue française dAquariologie et Herpetologie. (1983) v. 10; (n. 4); pp. 107-112

Regan, Charles Tate. 1922. "The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Nyassa". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1921 (pt 4) n. 36; pp. 675-727

Ribbink, Anthony J & B.A. Marsh, A.C. Marsh, A.C. Ribbink & B.J. Sharp. 1983. "A preliminary survey of the cichlid fishes of rocky habitats in Lake Malawi". South African Journal of Zoology (Zool. Dierkunde). pp. 149-310

Stauffer, Jay Richard Jr. & Bowers, Kellogg & Mckaye. 1997. "A revision of the blue-black Pseudotropheus zebra (Teleostei: Cichlidae) complex from Lake Malawi, Africa, with a description of a new genus and ten new species". The Proceedings of the Academy Natural Sciences Philadelphia. 148; pp 189-230

Trewavas, Ethelwynn. 1935. "A Synopsis of the Cichlid Fishes of Lake Nyasa". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 10; pp. 65-118


Imazo (grossist)
Kungälvs akvarium
Nols Akvariehobby
Sandby Ciklidhobby
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Foto: Michael Persson
Hona i ett snäckskal
Hona i ett snäckskal
Foto: Tony Englund


Tchinga Reef, Malawi

I sin naturliga miljö

Peter Barnes


Pseudotropheus livingstonii i Ciklidbladet

Nummer Artikel
198806 "Haplochromis" livingstonii
199710 Aulonocararevet
199401 Ciklidfronten
199805 Då och Nu
197110 Importnytt
196805 Mbuna- stamtavla
198505 Pseudotropheus lansticola
198101 Pseudotropheus livingstonii
Felanmäl artbeskrivningen